Portrait of Francesco Mazzola, known as Parmigianino, in a 19th-century engraving (Parma, Fondazione Cariparma).
FRANCESCO MAZZOLA, IL PARMIGIANINO, Frescoes on the arch over the main altar (Parma, Church of Santa Maria della Steccata).
FRANCESCO MAZZOLA, IL PARMIGIANINO, Frescoes on the arch over the main altar, detail (Parma, Church of Santa Maria della Steccata).
The monument to Parmigianino erected in Piazzale della Steccata in 1870, shown here in a 19th-century xylography (Parma, Private collection).
A 5-kg tomato puree can produced by the Giovanni Guidorossi company of Corcagnano (Parma) depicts the monument to Parmigianino (Collecchio, Museum of Tomato).