Petitot Gallery in the Palatina Library of Parma.
Farnese plate drawings, 1639 (Parma, Palatina Library).
Farnese plate drawings, 1639 (Parma, Palatina Library).
Farnese plate drawings, 1639 (Parma, Palatina Library).
Farnese plate drawings, 1639 (Parma, Palatina Library).
Farnese plate drawings, 1639 (Parma, Palatina Library).
Cover of the published edition of Carlo Nascia’s manuscript Li quattro banchetti destinati alle quattro stagioni dell’anno, (Four banquets for the four seasons of the year), a copy of which is kept at the Palatina Library of Parma.
Cover of the published edition of Antonio Maria Dalli’s manuscript, Piciol lume di cucina (Little kitchen light), kept at the Palatina Library of Parma.