Seal of the Butchers’ Guild of Parma (Parma, State Archives).
A page from the Statutes of the Butchers’ Guild, 1909 (Parma, State Archives).
Pig slaughter in the floor mosaic showing the cycle months in the San Colombano Abbey in Bobbio (Piacenza), 12th century.
Killing and slaughter of pigs in an illustration of Taccuinum Sanitatis, 14th century (Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense).
Butcher’s shop in a miniature of Taccuinum Sanitatis, 14th century (Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense).
The different phases of pig slaughter in a xylography about the month of December, from a 17th-century liturgical calendar (Felino, Museum of Salame).
Piazza della Steccata occupied by market stalls, in a photo of the 1920s (Parma, Private collection).