Salt water wells of Salsomaggiore that became the property of the commune of Parma in 1318, miniature on parchment, 14th century (Parma, State Archives, Diplomatic, Illuminated Parchments).
“Il Perimetro della Giurisdizione di Salso, rispettivamente la legna servibile alla fabbricazione del sale…” (Perimeter of the Jurisdiction of Salsomaggiore, regarding the wood for salt production…), watercolour drawing on paper, 1783. The different wooded areas are marked with letters of the alphabet (Parma, State Archives, Maps and Drawings, 26/37).
Equipment of the Salsomaggiore salt mine: wheel-operated well with life convicts at work, watercolour drawing on paper, 1779. The machine, already used in building sites of Ancient Rome, carried salt water to the surface using prisoners who made the wheel turn by walking inside it. Parma, State Archives, Maps and Drawings, 26/34).
The Scipione “salt castle” in an image of the first half of the 20th century.
The “Hundred Wells” of Salsominore in a postcard of the 1920s (Parma, Private Collection).
ENRICO SARTORI, La salina di Salsominore, (The Salsominore salt mine), ca. 1870 (Langhirano, Parma Ham Museum).
The “Hundred Wells” of Salsominore today (Langhirano, Parma Ham Museum).
VIRGILIO RETROSI, Sale superiore da tavola (Superior table salt), advertising poster for Salsomaggiore salt, 1928, (Langhirano, Parma Ham Museum).
CARLO GNESI, Sale superiore da tavola Niveo (Niveo superior table salt), advertising poster for Salsomaggiore salt, 1929, (Langhirano, Parma Ham Museum).